Dominica has a strong Creole heritage, contributing to its rich cultural identity. Dominica hosts three main festivals, including Mas Domnik – known for its authentic masks, making it the only Caribbean destination to offer such a traditional carnival experience. This month-long celebration features calypso competitions, pageantry, folklore characters, and bouyon music.
The Dominica Jazz ‘n Creole festival, meanwhile, is a unique event that showcases the fusion of jazz with Creole culture. The iconic celebration attracts musicians from all over the globe and has an inviting ambience as patrons enjoy the food and beverages on offer. Dominicans like to say, “we are jazzing up our culture”.

The World Creole Music Festival is one of the country’s most renowned events and the largest and most-attended carnival in Dominica, whilst the first-ever Dominica Bike Fest held in July this year attracted adrenaline enthusiasts and culminated in an island-wide tour.
Elsewhere, the recently launched Flavors of the World Festival not only features Dominica’s Creole gastronomy but also includes different destinations from around the world, such as China, Venezuela, Guyana, Trinidad, the US, and France. A chef from each area prepares food for gourmands to taste as part of an ultra-cultural experience where local music, performances, and traditions are on display.