French Polynesia : Landmark Attractions

Travel Team
1 Min Read

From extensive archaeological sites to authentic indoor markets, we highlight the landmark attractions in French Polynesia.


After being extensively restored in the early 1990s, Iipona, some 1,500 metres from the centre of Puamau, has become known for being one of the best-preserved archaeological sites in French Polynesia. Boasting five of the largest tikis in the archipelagos, this religious sanctuary perpetuates an eerie and mythical feel that is sure to transport you back in time. 

Papeete Market

As one of the oldest surviving institutions on the island of Tahiti, this indoor market is the best place to experience the sights, sounds, and smells of authentic Polynesian life. Known as the commercial and social hub of the capital, you can find everything from fruits and vegetables to locally made textiles, oils, and handcrafted jewellery. 

Coral Garden

Located in one of the largest lagoons of Polynesia, the Coral Garden is the most renowned snorkelling spot in Tahaa, with crystal waters that allow you to drift idyllically over colourful coral, schools of butterfly fish, giant sunbathing clams, and more. Take the afternoon to lather on some sunscreen and admire the unique natural beauty of this lagoon. 

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