Getting To and Around Australia

Travel Team
3 Min Read
James Price Point, Australia

As the sixth largest country in the world consisting of approximately 7.688 million sqkm of land, traversing around Australia can seem a monstrous feat. However, the country is well-connected through myriad flights, trains, buses, ferries, rental cars, camper vans, and even walking trails, all primed and ready for intrepid visitors to utilise to the fullest. 

The majority of travellers will find themselves flying to Australia and landing at one of the country’s 600 airports. With some of the busiest air traffic in the world, Sydney International Airport welcomes an average of 43 million passengers every year and is home to many major airlines, making it a primary hub for international travellers arriving in the country. 

Other large airports that serve global flyers include Melbourne Airport and Adelaide Airport, both of which have been ranked in the top 10 airports in the world. 

Once in Australia, you have the option to use public transportation, such as trains, buses, and ferries, to get to your desired destination, or you can rent a car or camper van at most airports or city centres. 

For one of the most expansive and affordable options, purchasing the Greyhound WHIMit Bus Pass is a top choice for many travellers as it allows you to trek across the country flexibly and hassle-free. If you are looking to cut down on travelling time while still making use of public transport, Australia also boasts spectacular rail journeys that sweep across the continent while offering increased comfort and the feeling of nostalgic romance as you watch the striking landscape speed by. 

If you are seeking a more rugged adventure, then the country’s many footpaths and scenic pathways are the optimal choice for you. Passing through parklands, coastal cliffs, and colourful towns, the trails, which can extend past 1,000 kilometres, encompass unique scenery that cannot be experienced anywhere else and can be explored either with high-quality walking shoes or by bike. 

No matter how one chooses to explore the country, travellers are spoilt for choice when it comes to experiencing the unparalleled wonders that Australia has to offer. 

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