Sibebe Rock
Mantenga Cultural Village

Ngwenya Mine

Execution Rock
At the summit of the Nyonyane Mountain an exposed granite peak marks the pinnacle of a popular hiking trail. The peak itself is known as Execution Rock and is both the location of Eswatini royal graves and a place rumoured to have been the end for many suspected witch or criminal – hence the name. The peak is an intriguing and exhilarating journey for the eager hiking fan, and great for taking in the beautiful surrounding landscape.
Lion Cavern
If you are interested in history, tours around the Lion Cavern showcase the world’s oldest mine, and how ancient inhabitants of Eswatini mined precious resources for weapons and tools. The cave itself is humbling in its age and reminds visitors of how far Mankind has come from its earliest mining examples. A place of history and heritage, Lion Cavern is a must-see for all who wish to learn of the archaic people that dwelt in the region.
Nsangwini Bushman Paintings
Another culture tour for those who love to learn, the Nsangwini Bushman Paintings are an awe-inspiring example of prehistoric art. These multiple artworks, illustrating early Man’s lives and livelihoods are worth 1,000 words, and are a window into a past that existed before we had written language.